Wetted Sensor

Thermal Energy / BTU Meters

For hospitals, schools, factories, offices and residential buildings, district heating systems, to monitor and control heating and cooling energy usage.


Spire Metering Technology is located in Acton, Massachusetts, the facility houses engineering and testing laboratories. This new testing facility, and international office, allows Spire Metering to properly evaluate applications against calibrated standards.

Spire 280T-S

Spire’s 280T-S Thermal Energy (BTU) meter provides advanced heating/cooling energy measurement.  The rugged meter incorporates the latest design in ultrasonic flow measurement technology.

Spire 280T-S meter

Spire 280T-S Thermal Energy Meter

Applications include:

  • Residential submetering
  • Commercial buildings
  • District heating / cooling
  • HVAC
  • Green energy management
  • AMR and Billing

Additional Information: Spire 280T-S Fixed Wet Sensor Thermal Energy-BTU Meter Datasheetpdf